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BreakPoint Labs Achieves ISO 27001 Certification, Reinforcing Commitment to Information Security
Friday, October 4, 2024

BreakPoint Labs, LLC ("BreakPoint Labs"), a technically proficient, mission-focused cybersecurity service provider, is pleased to announce it has earned ISO 27001:2022 [[ISO/IEC 27001]] certification.

FALLS CHURCH, Va., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- BreakPoint Labs, LLC ("BreakPoint Labs"), a technically proficient, mission-focused cybersecurity service provider, is pleased to announce it has earned ISO 27001:2022 [[ISO/IEC 27001]] certification. Performance Review Institute (PRI) Registrar recognized BreakPoint Labs for having met the stringent requirements of the international standard, their ongoing commitment to satisfying stakeholders, and their dedication to continual improvement of their management system.

"This milestone achievement underscores our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of information security and data protection," said Thomas George, BreakPoint Labs' CEO. "This certification reaffirms our commitment to safeguarding our customers' data and maintaining their confidence."

"This milestone achievement underscores our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of information security and data protection," said Thomas George, BreakPoint Labs' CEO. "Our customers trust us with their sensitive information, and this certification reaffirms our commitment to safeguarding their data and maintaining their confidence."

"BreakPoint Labs has demonstrated its commitment to world-class information security management by implementing and becoming certified to the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard. They have joined an elite number of organizations worldwide who have achieved certification to this globally recognized information security standard," said Randy Daugharthy, Vice President - Registrar at the Performance Review Institute Registrar. "PRI Registrar is proud to partner with BreakPoint Labs in this accomplishment and look forward to continued support of their objective of information security excellence."

The ISO 27001:2022 certification complements BreakPoint Labs' existing CMMI® for Services (CMMI-SVC) Level 3 and ISO 9001:2015 certifications, further strengthening the company's quality and security management systems. This achievement will enhance BreakPoint Labs' competitive position in the cybersecurity market and open new growth opportunities.

About BreakPoint Labs

BreakPoint Labs, a technically proficient, mission-focused cybersecurity service provider, is dedicated to delivering the methods and means for sustainable, measurable, and effective cybersecurity operations. Powered by highly motivated, experienced cybersecurity professionals, BreakPoint Labs is developing and leveraging technology to enable a more secure cyberspace. With well-formed service delivery models in cybersecurity assessments, defensive cyber operations, and cyber research and development, underpinned by CMMI® for Services (CMMI-SVC) Level 3, ISO 9001:2015, and ISO 27001:2022 corporate certifications, BreakPoint Labs supports a diverse client base in addressing its most challenging problems in the cyber defense domain.

For more information or media requests, please contact:
Jessica Sorrentino

About PRI Registrar

Since 1995, Performance Review Institute Registrar, an independent certification body, has certified a multitude of organizations to international quality, environment, health & safety and information security standards. As an affiliate of SAE International, PRI Registrar is a not-for-profit organization, uniquely motivated with a mission and commitment to improve performance in any industry it serves. To learn more information, visit or contact PRI Registrar at today.

Media Contact

Jessica Sorrentino, BreakPoint Labs, (844) 422-5632,,

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SOURCE BreakPoint Labs

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